Trainee: “Hey, this woman would like to buy an iPod Touch. But she’s asking for a discnt.”
Me, to the lady customer: “Hi, so u’re interested in an iPod Touch?”
Customer: “discnt?”
Me: “sory, I can’t offer anything below our tagged price. It already has a guaranteed low price.”
Customer: “discnt?”
Me: “If u’re worried about money, u can choose to apply for a *** card (store’s credit card). With it u can buy this iPod Touch and have three months to pay interest-free.”
Customer: “Okay, so I get a card and get a discnt?”
Me: “No, but u have three months to pay.”
Customer: “What’s the price in three months?”
Me: “It’s the sam price as now.”
Customer: “Okay. What’s the price after the three months?”
Me: “It is the exact sam price as u see here now. But with the card u get three months to pay for it.”
Customer: “discnt?”
Me: “Okay, let’s ring this up for u.”