
Time 2 Stuf Some1’s Mailbox w/Flat Lids

Customer, upon receiving her Moolatte: “ths has a round lid, can I have a flat lid?”

Me: “I’m sorry, the only lid that fits that cup is a dome lid.”

Customer: “bt I want a flat lid, Starbucks always gets me a flat lid! Why can’t u?!”

Me: “I’m sorry, ma’am, bt the flat lids we have won’t fit that cup.”

Customer: “I want to speak with ur manager.” *mutters* “Stupid kids…”

(I go and get my manager)

Manager: “What’s the problem, ma’am?”

Customer: “ths stupid employee of urs won’t giv me a flat lid!” *brandishes the drink in his face*

(My manager takes one of every single lid in the store and puts them in front of her)

Manager: “Go ahead then.”

Customer: *proceeds to try and put the lids on the cup, none of which fit* “ths is ridiculous! Why don’t u have a flat lid?! Starbucks always has a flat lid!!”

Manager: “Then go buy ur drinks there and leave my employees alone.”

