
Awesome Customers Do Exist

(8:55 pm: I’m guarding the door at work, waiting 4 the last couple of customers to finish up and get the heck out. They r going kinda slow, but I can’t kick them out because they were in the store be4e we close.

9:05 pm: They finally got what movies they wanted and r just about to pay when another guy tries to come in)

Late Customer: “Hold on please! I just need to get one thing!”

Me: “Sorry sir, it’s past 9pm. These r the last customers 4 the night.”

Late Customer: “But all I want to get is a PS2. Why can’t u get it 4 me?”

Me: “Because u came in after 9, we want to close up.”

Late Customer: “But they r getting stuff.”

Me: “They were in here be4e 9.”

Late Customer: “So u rn’t gonna help me? I wanna speak to ur manager! r u the manager?”

(This is the fun part, one of the women buying stuff chimes in)

Woman Customer: “Yeah, I’m the manager and we need to get the heck out of here to go home! u should have gotten here earlier!”

Late Customer: *Flabbergasted* “Wha? Well… u LOST A SALE!” *storms out*

Manager (the real one): “…Wow. Thank u very much!”

Me: “Ditto! Thanks a lot and have a wonderful night!”

