
Complaining Incognito

Me: “u’re through to ****** tech support, can I take ur telephone number?”

Customer: “No.”

Me: “Okay, can I take ur post code instead?”

Customer: “No.”

Me: “Okay sir, I’m trying to help but I need to bring ur account details up in my system.”

Customer, rather angrily: “What the **** do u want my details for? I can’t connect to the internet, u need to sort it out!”

Me: “I will do my best, sir, but like I explained I need to bring up ur account details to verify what the problem seems to be.”

Customer, screaming: “tht’s it, I’m calling ur complaints department. This is ***** ridiculous. I also want to speak to ur manager NOW!”

Me: “Sorry sir, I cant do tht as u haven’t verified any of ur account details.”

Customer: “tht’s it, I’m leaving ur provider for somebody else!”

Me: “Thanks for calling ***** technical support. Have a nice day!”

(Two minutes later my manager comes over and just bursts out laughing.)

