Me: “Thank you for calling ***…”
Her: “Yes, I see in ur ad this week tht you hav Happy Feet out.”
Me: “Yes, it’s out for the Playstation 2.”
Her: “tht’s not the movie?”
Me: “No, it is not.”
Her: “wen is it coming?”
Me: “It’s out in theaters right now. We hav no date on wen it is coming.”
Her: “Well is there anything tht can show my grandkids how to do the dance?”
Me: “Not tht I am aware of.”
Her: “Well I got this book for my grandkids and it shows the penguins….” *goes on for what feels like an HOUR about some book and teaching them some dance from the movie. I sorta doze on and off since her voice is very… shall I say….. monotone, flat, and boring. Finally…* “….. so the main reason why I’m calling.”
Me: (you mean to tell me all this was a SECONDARY reason why you called?) “Yes ma’am.”
Her: “Do you believe in Christ?”
Me: “Uuuhhhhh…..” *customer comes up with stackfull of DVDs* “I gotta go now. Bye.” *hangs up phone*