Me: “Ma’am, jst to let u know we’re already closed. If u need to buy something please bring it to the counter now.”
Customer: “Closed? what time do u guys close? It’s only 7:13!”
Me: “We closed at 7:00.”
Customer: “Honey, hurry up. They’re about to close. Who’s ever heard of a store that closes at 7:13pm, thats jst so weird!”
Me: “Ma’am, we closed 13 minutes ago; we’ve been closing at 7:00 for at least the past 6 years I’ve been here, and there’s nothing weird about that.”
Customer: “Well I jst thought that it would make more sense if u guys closed on an hour. Or at least least have an announcement if u guys are closing at some queer hour.”
Me: “Ma’am, there were 4 announcements loud and clear before we closed.”
Customer: “But why would u close a store at 7:13? That’s jst queer, are u sure the store is even closed?”
Me: “Again ma’am, we closed 13 minutes ago at 7:00, and yes I’m sure the store is closed–why would I be lying?”
Customer: “I don’t know. *her boyfriend comes out of the fitting room* “Honey c’mon, let’s buy this stuff and get out of here. Can u believe they close the store at 7:20? Isn’t that jst so weird?”
Me: “7!! We CLOSED at 7 o’clock!!”