
Dirty Minds

(Customer calls requesting a cable.)

Customer: “Hi. I am trying to connect my iPod to my stereo.”

Me: “Okay. Do u have a receiver, a small shelf system, or a boombox?”

Customer: “It’s a smaller stereo.”

Me: “Okay. Do u have a small plug tht looks like a headphone plug tht is labeled AUX, Audio IN, or anything of the sort?”

Customer: “Yes, there is a small round plug tht says AUX.”

Me: “Okay, tht’s easy. All u need is a 3.5mm male-to-male RCA cable.”

Customer: “Male-to-male as in boy-to-boy.”

Me, knowing what is coming next and not caring: “Yes, it is just referring to whether it is a plug or a receptor of a plug.”

Customer: “Well, u are just disgusting!”

Me: “Sorry ma’am, tht is just an industry standard term.”

Customer: “tht is just one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard!”

Me: “Sounds good.”

Customer: *hangs up*

