
All Scrooged Up

(My boss is a realtor; she has sign toppers 4 various occasions. This one happened to be 4 the Christmas season: “Home 4 the Holidays”.)

Customer: “I’m calling about the ‘Home 4 the Holidays’ house.”

Me: “Sure, what’s the address?”

(She reads it to me.)

Me: “Okay, how can I help u?”

Customer: “When can I move in?”

Me: “Excuse me? I’m sorry–do u mean u want to write an offer 4 the house?”

Customer: “No, it says ‘Home 4 the Holidays.’ I want to move in be4e Christmas.”

Me: “Ma’am, I’m sorry. We’re not giving the house away, we’re selling it.”

Customer: “Well I can’t af4d a house!” *click*

